Baby Adam arrives in USA for Surgery

By John Graham

I just received this email from Jess & Dr. Raja Paulraj. They are now in the USA with little Adam to begin his surgery. Only problem is he has a fever they must treat before surgery begins.Below is what Jess wrote me to share with everyone. John Graham


Precious ones,

Do forgive me for the incredible delay in really updating all of you.

I am writing you from our hospital room where Adam has been admitted due to his fever. It lasted thru the weekend and seems to have invaded a bit of his little body so they have him on antibiotics and admitted for closer observance. Most likely, they believe he has a UrinaryTract Infection due to the close proximity of his rectum (and thus poo) to his urethra (where urine comes out of). So when poo bacteria gets in places where it shouldn’t…infections can happen. So we are certainly seeing him recover since the past 1.5 days and are really here to see the fever reduce.

Thank you for your prayers. Truly.

We have seen every specialist I could ever imagined…urologists, plastic surgeons, pediatric surgeons, anesthesia, orthopedics, and the list goes on. They have been incredibly helpful and encouraging and loving on Adam. The hospital has created the “Adam Fund” to collect money to cover all costs of this treatment. More on that here: (prettycool: Palestinian cleft society!)

As soon as the infection disappears they plan to do the first set of surgeries which will be the eyelids, a more permanent feeding tube, and 1 or 2 other possibilities. Then after some recovery, the cleft
lip will be done and the feet separated. Please pray for the continued progression, healing from fever, and surgeries to be done as soon as safely as possible;)

We have been in awe over all people have done even outside of medical stuff here. My dear friend Ashley Baker from Tally showed up with 10 paper grocery bags full of food for us to have as snacks. My friend Brooke, through MTW (who is really the connector to everything here) has sat with us thru appt after appt. Ronald McDonald didn’t work out…but one of the “head neck surgeon” and his family from UNC opened their beautiful home to us. I feel like I wake up in a southern living magazine every morning. We found a precious church that we really enjoyed on Sunday and it was the first Sunday evening of a series on psychiatric disorders…isnt God so good? So raj and I got to go together to that on Sunday which was good.

And mother Teresa is here…my mother that is;) And her presence is wonderful.

So, I am going to cut this short bc lots of people are coming in and out of the room. I will say we are tired and overwhelmed with all medically that needs to be done. Please pray for a miraculous healing of Adams body and fever. Please pray for wisdom for all medical people caring for him. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for us.

Love to each of you. I know I am not writing so much. I will later. 

Jess, Raj, & Adam

John Graham