Prayer & Healing in Islam
By John Graham
There are many books and articles in print on the subject of religion and healing, spirituality and health. Many would be aware of these works from a Western Judeo-Christian perspective, but may be unaware of prayer and healing from an Islamic perspective. Now there is a book entitled Prayer and Healing in Islam,by Salih Yucel (Tughra Books, 2010). A book review appeared in the September/October 2011 issue of The Fountain Magazine. I have ordered my copy but, for now, the book review says “the book comprises a research study taken from the author’s doctoral thesis, The Effects of Prayer on Muslim Patients’ Well-being.” The book also contains “many case histories and anecdotal evidence from muslims who have beenefited from the healing power of prayer.” To read the entire book review click on: (Review, Page 1) and (Review, Page 2). The book can be purchased through at:…