Letter from the President May 2019
“Summer Just Around the Bend”
May is the season for school graduations, and summer is vacation time for all. It is also a time when we at the Institute plan our fall, winter, and spring programs. Here is some of what we have going on in the coming months – pay special attention to the exciting arrival of Saybrook University to Houston, in partnership with ISH.
On May 15 we will begin a new round of Tai Chi classes on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Henderson Smith is a Conscious Living Coach, and is IITQC & NQA certified to teach Qigong and Tai Chi. He is a 2nd degree black belt in Seibu-do Martial Arts. I have taken Tai Chi from Henderson Smith for over a year and love the experience. You can register on our website.
On Friday, May 17, 9:00 a.m. – 2 p.m., ISH staff will present at Bo’s Place on the topic of Mind-Body Medicine: Self-Care for the Grieving Soul. And, at the end of this summer we will offer a “Spinning Babies” a 2-day Workshop - for physicians, nurses, doulas, midwives, and mothers - Sunday and Monday, August 25-26. Our board member, Mary Katharine Roff, M.D., is an Ob-Gyn specialist, and she highly recommends the training.
Most importantly, we are excited because on September 6th-9th, Saybrook University will begin classes at ISH, offering Master’s, PhD, and Certificate programs in Mind-Body Medicine.
Mind Body Medicine consists of training in complimentary and integrative medicine and focuses on preventative medicine, which I believe is the way of the future. For example, this summer I will take an online course at Saybrook entitled, “Coaching for Lifestyle Medicine.” I have had outstanding experiences in the courses I have taken, and I am excited to continue my Mind Body Medicine journey.
Three “call-in” information sessions are set for 7:30 p.m. on May 15, June 19, and July 17. Dr. Donald Moss, Dean of the College of Integrative Sciences at Saybrook, will be available to answer questions from prospective students. The call-in number is 1-877-568-4106 with access code 982-668-221. If you or a friend is interested, be sure to put these dates on your calendar and “call-in.”
For more information please visit www.saybrook.edu/houston.
Have a wonderful summer! I hope to see you at our offerings this fall. And, please help us spread the word about Saybrook University courses being offered at ISH. It is a great way to receive a Master’s or PhD degree without leaving Houston or one’s employment.
John K. Graham, MD, DMin President & CEO
Institute for Spirituality and Health