Letter from the President January 2019
The Future of Medicine in Houston and beyond
“The Future of Medicine” is the title of a special issue of National Geographic magazine which hit the newsstand for January, 2019. The subtitle is, “How New Technologies and Ancient Remedies are Transforming Health Care.” Intrigued by this connection between new technologies and ancient remedies, I bought a copy.
I was not surprised to learn that the new technology mentioned involves the genome, gene editing, and the field of precision medicine. Another advance is described as the possibility of continuous moment- to-moment monitoring of “the human machine.” I recoiled at the reference to people as a “human machine.” The “unique body” concept of precision medicine was more to my liking.
Another section explored how ancient remedies are changing modern health care. An article discussed Home Pharma and considered the many ways people from around the world use home remedies to treat illness. In Haiti, plants from a leaf doctor are considered healing. Also mentioned were ayurvedic nutritional practices as well as cupping, herbs, and acupuncture.
If the above technologies are the future of medicine, what does the future hold for our Institute?
We are continuing to disseminate mind-body skills to the community, and are currently training a second cohort of individuals in this area to address lingering trauma from Hurricane Harvey. In September 2019, Saybrook University will begin offering courses in collaboration with ISH, leading to a M.S. or Ph.D. degree in mind-body medicine. Students will gather to meet each other and their professors at our Institute and also learn online through videoconferences. This will provide Texas Medical Center and other healthcare professionals the opportunity to obtain a post-graduate degree through Saybrook while remaining employed and at home.
I learned about Saybrook University when we had a Ph.D. student serve as one of our interns. Shannon McLain presented a proposal to teach mind-body skills to medical students. I was so impressed with her proposal, I immediately signed up for a course at Saybrook entitled “Mind Body Medicine Overview.” I loved the course and, as a result, have taken seven more courses on Integrative and Complementary Medicine, Mindfulness, Meditation & Movement, Biofeedback, psychophysiology, and Medical Ethics. The course material and professors have been outstanding.
Letter from the President January 2019
So, what is the future of medicine? It is high tech precision medicine, home remedies, Yoga and Tai chi, and integrative medicine. This also involves mind-body skills that address stress, a chief cause of human illness. I am pleased we will have the opportunity to bring Saybrook to Houston. To learn more, contact Jeff Sokoloff at jsokoloff@ish-tmc.org.
John K. Graham, M.D., D.Min., President/CEO
John K. Graham
President and CEO – Institute for Spirituality and Health