Letter from the President December 2018

Amazing Starry Night

Dear Reader,

Who has not looked up at the night sky and been amazed by the host of stars? Who has not looked for the Big Dipper and the North Star? We do this because stars not only shine, they also resonate and communicate.

People resonate and communicate too, especially during the holiday season. Women and men are aglow as they give gifts not only to loved ones but also to those who otherwise may not receive a Christmas gift at all. Especially, we give so every child can smile on Christmas morning. Thousands of bicycles are gathered at the Brown Convention Center and will be distributed on the day before Christmas, making happy the hearts of many girls and boys.

And so, during the month of December our Institute resonates. We are training individuals in mind-body skills that can help people manage their stress. This is important because thousands in our region are still suffering from Hurricane Harvey, especially in traditionally underserved areas. 50 individuals will come to learn how to communicate these skills to thousands in our region.

On a special night, December 6, we will hold our annual Silent Nights program for those who have lost a loved one. It is especially difficult to go through the holidays without a loved one. This may be a spouse, a sibling, or one’s child. The pain is great when there is an empty chair at a table meant to celebrate the occasion. So, we offer Silent Nights. Silent because a loved one is not present. We share each other’s loss and pain, so they will know they are not alone.

This holiday season is a time to resonate and communicate – a time to reach out especially to those who have little or have lost much. The gift of our concern and presence can help create an amazing starry night for those who need it the most.

John K. Graham
President and CEO – Institute for Spirituality and Health

John Graham