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Praying With The Body: Medieval Women's Mysticism, an Expression of Christian Faith (4-part series)

  • Held virtually via Zoom (map)

Praying With The Body

Medieval Women’s Mysticism, an Expression of Christian Faith

4-Part Series
Tuesdays, February 1, 8, 15, & 22
6:00-7:30pm CT
$20 session | $60 Full Series

While women were all but cut off from literacy during the middle ages, they found ways to experience the divine by leaning into their female sensibilities. In this series, we will explore a diverse set of medieval women who all shared a sense of connectedness to the divine, via the senses. These mystics understood and developed a connection of the body and soul. These women also used the perception of their status as the “weaker sex” such that those in power might heed their words.

We will explore Hildegard Von Bingen, Margery Kemp, Julian of Norwich, and a community called The Beguines. We will examine these women and their circumstance to better understand their contribution to the history of the Christian faith tradition, and hopefully articulate our own divine experiences with fresh expression.

Teacher: Carrie Hirdes

I completed my Master’s of Church History with an emphasis on medieval spirituality in 2003 from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. I received my B.A. in religion from Baylor university. I’m a 20-year Episcopalian and I am currently a candidate for holy orders in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. My program will culminate in June of 2022 when I am ordained a transitional deacon. I am a lover or all things creative, religious, and story telling. I am happily married and mother to one precocious little 1st grader.