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Waking Up in Heaven: The NDE Story of Crystal McVea

Waking Up in Heaven:
A True Story of Brokenness and Life Again

The NDE Story of Crystal McVea

Hosted on Zoom by the Institute for Spirituality and Health
Free of Charge | Donations Appreciated




Crystal McVea

In 2009, wife and mother of 4, Crystal McVea died. During the almost 10 minutes that the medical team worked to bring her back, Crystal says that she experienced God who ultimately sent her back with a message of hope and love for the world. Crystal went on to tell her story in the NY Times bestseller, Waking Up in Heaven. She wrote a follow-up book titled Chasing Heaven and has appeared on programs such as Good Morning American, The Anderson Cooper Show, Dr. Oz, and The 700 Club.

Crystal continues to teach school, raise her children, and tell the story of how dying truly taught her how to live.

Houston IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) at the Texas Medical Center serves as a safe space to support those who have had a near-death experience as they integrate their experience into their lives. Houston IANDS also serves to inform the public about NDEs and the lessons and messages that experiencers bring back, and to educate the medical community to recognize and appropriately treat people who have had an NDE.