Van Cliburn – From Someone Who Knew Him

By John Graham

March 2nd, 2013

I grew up in Shreveport, LA which was the home of the great pianist Van Cliburn.  As most know, Cliburn was taught piano by his mother who also taught many others in town.  Among them was Anna Jean Price whose father was pastor of Life Tabernacle.  Anna Jean was taught well and became an accomplished pianist in her own right.  She married and had five children, four beautiful daughters.  Two of her daughters, Vangie and Lydia, served as a receptionist in my medical office at the Plastic Surgery Center in Shreveport.  Both were incredibly intelligent as well as beautiful.  I loved having them work at my front desk so everyone would think I was responsible for their beauty.  I was not, of course; their beauty came from God by way of the Price family genes.  Not only is Lydia intelligent and beautiful, I recently learned she is also a gifted writer.  Read her essay on Van Cliburn and I think you will agree:

John Graham