“The Healing Team”

By John Graham

June 11th, 2012

While researching for her new book on the 57 year history of ISH, the author, Cathey Graham Nickell, learned an article had appeared in the December 14, 1959 issue of Time Magazine.  The article was entitled “The Healing Team” and proclaimed, “Ground was broken last week for a new concept of healing that shows signs of becoming a major trend:  training doctors in religion and ministers in medicine.”  The article also said, “In Houston Texas work began on a four-story, $600,000 building to house the Texas Medical Center’s Institute of Religion — the first of its kind in the country.”   Nickell searched and was able to puchase an issue on the internet.   We now have the article framed and hanging on display, a nice reminder of our 57 year history in the Texas Medical Center.  Though our name has now changed to the Institute for Spirituality and Health, we still seek to “Train doctors in religion and ministers in medicine.”  And, it is nice to see in print that the Institute was “the first of its kind in the country.”

John Graham