My Introduction to Dr. You and Acupuncture

By John Graham

November 19th, 2012

I recently was introduced to Acupuncture by Dr. Bing You, MD, L.Ac., DAAPM, a Chinese-trained physician who is an expert in the field.  For weeks before I went to see Dr. You I had an allergy rhinitis with profuse drainage down the back of my throat which irritated my vocal cords and caused an almost constant hacky cough.  I had received other treatment by another physician but the drainage was so annoying a friend suggested acupunture might help.  I knew Dr. You because he is on the faculty of our Institute, so I dropped by. 

Dr. You examined me, which included sticking out my tongue and then put a dozen or so needles in my face and neck.  Had me lay down for about 45 minutes with beautiful music playing and within a minute or two my nose was open and I was breathing perfect with no post-nasal drip.

I said to Dr. You, “This is amazing, you put needle in my face and my nasal passages opened up.  What is the rationale for how this works?   Dr. You went to another room and brought in a two foot doll and showed me “meridians” on the body.  He explained the needles stimulate nearby nerves to restore equilibrium in our system.  I think I recall that right.  In any case, he also showed me that the NIH has approved acupunture for a number of symptoms and disease processes.

I thought I would pass the word on.  Perhaps there are others who would benefit from Dr. You’s expertise.  Dr. You’s office is at 4126 Southwest Frwy, # 1130, Houston, TX 77027.  His website is and his phone is 713-562-3888.

John Graham