Alzheimer’s Panel a Powerful Experience

By John Graham

February 24th, 2013

On Tuesday, 2/19/13, ISH offered a panel discussion of the subject of “Spirituality in Alzheimer’s Care.”  The lecture room was packed wall-to-wall and nearly 70 were registered attendees.  Stuart Nelson, M.A., ISH’s very talented Project Manager (pictured to the left) did an outstanding job of creating this event, inviting guest panelists and making all the arrangements including providing a gormuet meal of hummis, salad, chicken shish kabobs, and dessert.  The discussion began with Fr. Michael Gemignani, an Episcopal priest who shared a very moving story of his past five years — watching, attending to, and praying for his wife as he watched her slowly die of Alzheimer’s.  It was a movingand powerful recollection that touched everyone’s heart.  His talk was followed by a response from our distinguished panelists — the Rev. Dr. Helen Appelberg from the department of Generology at UTMB-Galveston, Dr. Andy Achenbaum, an authority on Gerontology, and a Baylor psychiatrist, Dr. Shiela LoboPrabhu, who cares for Alzheimer’s patients.  Each provided valuable guidance for those who find themselves an Alzheimer’s Caregiver and reminded us of the sobering fact that — if welive long enough and if a cure is not found — 85% of us will develop Alzheimer’s.  The event was so successful, Stuart Nelson now planning a series of Panel discussions on timely topics such as Stem Cell Research, Near-death Experience, and narrative medicine.  Keep an eye on our website to be aware of future panel discussions.  Or, better yet, call our office at 713-797-0600 and give our office manager, Jerri Doctor, your email address to receive a montly email notifying you of future events.

John Graham