Statement on Racism

The video recording of George Floyd’s outrageous death under the knee of an officer of law

enforcement is forever planted in our minds and hearts. At the Institute for Spirituality and

Health we will not turn aside from the issues raised by his death; we will join others and do

what we can to make a change.

The death of George Floyd, while tragic, has again opened the conversation concerning an issue

that is far greater than police brutality. If creating a more sensitive police force is all that is

changed, the fundamental problem will persist. The underlying issue is racism in America and

this is the issue we should all participate in ending.

The Institute for Spirituality and Health recognizes that racism is far reaching, impacting the

very spirituality and health of our nation. Racism has contributed to socio-economic disparities

that affect the daily lives of people of color, leading to a higher incidence of major diseases and

shorter longevity. This reality can no longer be ignored.

Racism is a disease of the heart. It separates segments of our nation into isolated societal

camps. It is a disease of spirit, an affront to the creator who created every race on the face of

this planet. It is a disease of the soul, affecting black and white, and can no longer be justified.

Each individual in this nation must embrace a change of heart and action, and learn what it

means to truly respect people of all races. Only then can we move past the color of a person’s

skin to embrace, with unconditional love, all people equally and fairly.

We believe this change will not happen overnight; rather, it will require lifelong diligence for

racism to end. It will require a change of the hearts of men and women everywhere. We can no

longer tolerate the injustice and suffering racism has inflicted on countless people for


At the Institute for Spirituality and Health we pledge to embody a spirit of anti-racism, actively

addressing racism in our own hearts as well as when we encounter it in others. Furthermore,

we pledge to create impactful programming opportunities that address the issue of racism. We

affirm that all people are welcome at our Institute, regardless of race, color, creed, gender,

sexual orientation, or social status, and that all are needed to faithfully represent the diversity

of our nation.

We cannot do this alone and therefore invite all who share our mission to join us and become a

partner in making a difference by abolishing the scourge of racism in our lifetime.

John K. Graham, M.D., DMin, President and CEO

George Anderson, Chair, Board of Trustees

ISH Admin