Letter from the President October 2021

Being Oblivious to The Flow

Dear Reader,

When I was in Shreveport, I learned it was best not to have a swimming pool located under a

spreading oak tree unless you love skimming leaves all year long. I also learned it is easier to

remove leaves on the surface rather than those on the bottom of the pool. Indeed, over the years I

have learned a lot from owning a swimming pool, and this year I learned something new.

While skimming the surface of my pool recently, it seemed like the leaves and debris had a mind of

their own. They appeared to run away as the skimmer basket came near. Sometimes, thankfully,

the debris seemed to dart into the net, as if they wanted to be caught.

Of course, leaves and debris do not have a thought about running toward or away from my

skimmer basket. Instead, the flow of water created by the skimmer moves them along - the debris

itself is totally oblivious to the flow.

I realized how often we are oblivious to the flow of God in our lives. Or, if you don’t want to use the

name of God, the flow of Allah, Krishna, Great Spirit, or the Universe. Sometimes we run

directionless, and other times we find that the flow has brought us into the very arms of God.

Sadly, when we are oblivious to the flow, we miss the opportunity to express gratitude for it. When

I skim my pool, leaves may run the other way, but I have no ill intent for them. Likewise, God (or the

Universe) has no ill intent for us.

So, when you feel the flow of life, celebrate with joy and give thanks! For God and the Universe are

flowing with you. Stagnant waters may be comfortable because nothing appears to be changing.

But flowing water brings new life. Transformation can take place. We can be made new.

Next time you feel the flow, don’t resist or be oblivious. Instead, express your gratitude knowing

the flow is bringing new life your way.

John K. Graham

President and CEO – Institute for Spirituality and Health

John Graham