Letter from the President March 2022

Meditation Can Change Your Heart

Dear Reader,

Dr. Mary Katharine Roff, a member of our Institute's board of trustees, recently sent our staff a link to

the website www.inspiringquotes.com, which featured an article entitled, "14 Quotes on the Power of

Mindfulness." Mindfulness is a component of the meditative and contemplative practices we teach at

ISH. I appreciated reading all 14 quotes, but one spoke to me.

Mindfulness meditation doesn’t change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as

ever. Meditation changes the heart’s capacity to accept life as it is.
— Sylvia Boorstein, Psychotherapist & Buddhist Teacher

I recently spoke to Konjin Gaelyn Godwin, Abbott at the Houston Zen Center. Gaelyn is a member of our

board of trustees, too, and recently fell from a ladder fracturing her left elbow and shoulder in several

places, requiring surgery. I asked Gaelyn, "Could I ask you one of the questions we suggest medical

students use with their patients?" When she agreed, I asked, "Gaelyn, you fell from a ladder and had a

serious injury to your elbow and shoulder. I am curious, where have you found the strength to get

through this difficult time in your life?"

Gaelyn said, "Well when I laid on the gurney in the ER, I looked up at the ceiling and began my practice

of meditation. Later, when the doctor arrived, he examined me and then said, 'You have a serious injury,

and yet you are so calm.'"

Gaelyn told her physician, "I have been meditating, and that is why I can remain so calm." He said, "I

have always wanted to meditate. Can you teach me?" We both laughed for joy. Then Gaelyn said, "I was

having a lot of pain, but I have learned pain is a part of life as a human being, so the pain does not

bother me."

Later, when I read the quote by Sylvia Boorstein, it reminded me of my exchange with

Gaelyn. "Meditation doesn't change life. Life remains as fragile and unpredictable as ever." For example,

when we fall off a ladder and fracture our arm.

Boorstein continued, "Meditation changes the heart's capacity to accept life as it is." In other words, life

can be painful, but we have the capacity to accept it with grace. I am grateful Mary Katharine shared

these quotes with me. Each has a place and can help us on our life journey, which can be very fragile and


John K. Graham, M.D., D.Min

John K. Graham

President and CEO – Institute for Spirituality and Health

John Graham