Letter from the President February 2021

Frontline and Essential Workers to be Honored at ISH’s Caring Heart Celebration and Auction

The term “frontline workers” took on new meaning during the COVID-19 crisis. That is why we have

decided to honor frontline and essential workers during our upcoming Caring Heart Celebration and

Auction. Coinciding with the Institute’s 65th anniversary, the festivities include both an online auction, to

take place February 11th -18th, and a live-streamed celebration which will occur on Thursday, February 18th, at 7:00pm CST.

Frontline workers include healthcare professionals, educators, first responders (law enforcement, EMT,

paramedics, and fire fighters), retail workers, food service employees, and more.

Religious leaders, too, regularly meet with the families that have lost loved ones. Of course, nothing was

regular about the families who lost a loved one during the coronavirus… Family members told of their

agony knowing that loved ones were alone in the hospital, without the ability to be by their side.

Without memorial services, friends have been unable to support families in their grief.

An article in the January 26, 2021 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association recorded

comments of healthcare workers from around the nation. These comments included, “This level of

death, it’s new. It’s different” (Nashville, TN), “We are tired of watching people die” (Colorado Springs,

CO), and “It is emotionally exhausting to give so much to your patients and they’re still dying at such a

high rate” (Columbus, OH). And yet still these amazing professionals persist, employing creativity and

care as they persevere through this difficult time.

A Houston nurse noted, “We do this day in and day out, and people are out there doing the wrong thing.

People are in bars, restaurants, malls – it is crazy – it’s like we work, work, work, work, work, and people

don’t listen and then they end up in our ICU.”

And, those who work in retail and in restaurants have had to innovate and adapt to remain employed,

providing nourishment to the populations they serve.

Perhaps this explains why we wanted to honor those who are serving on the front lines in our

community. Each night of the Caring Heart Celebration and Auction we will feature a different category

of essential worker with testimonials, blessings, and other content. Then, on the final night, Thursday,

February 18, at 7:00pm, these special individuals will receive our annual Rabbi Samuel E. Karff Caring

Heart Award. To conclude the evening, Fr. Donald Nesti will deliver a heartfelt prayer on their behalf.

We trust you will want to join these festivities to honor these heroes who risk their lives to serve so

many. You will be able to bid on auction items and hear remarks from our M.C., Lisa Malosky, and

featured speaker, local author and humorist, Louise Parsley. It will be a blessing for all who attend.

I hope you will put these dates on your calendar and go to our website -

www.SpiritualityAndHealth.org/caringheart - to register for this special event!

John K. Graham, MD, DMin

President & CEO

Institute for Spirituality and Health

John Graham