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Wings of Light: Houston IANDS August Meeting with Zach Schrimsher

Houston IANDS August Meeting:

Wings of Light

with Zach Schrimsher

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Hosted on Zoom by the Institute for Spirituality and Health
Free of Charge | Donations Appreciated




Zach Schrimsher

As a young man, Zach had plenty of chances to believe in heaven and hell as the son of a pastor…but that didn’t mean he was able to manage his anger issues when life threw him a huge curve as he left high school. A 250 pound 6’4” ex-football player with nickname “The Bull “, he could be formidable when that anger took over and he admits “I haven’t always been full of love toward others.”

After missing out on a football scholarship, he rebuilt his life and took a new unexpected path in a sales career. He pushed God aside until he heard a small voice question him. “Why do you hate those who you will one day lead to me?” He made a commitment to be a pastor but didn’t have a chance to move forward.

As he struggled yet again with his purpose in life, he was approached by a woman named Clara in his Dad’s church who had been insisting she wanted to talk to Zach. Her words were unsettling.

“Honey, something really bad is going to happen to you and when it does, I will be there.”

Four years later as Clara had predicted, Zach was in crisis when hospitalized with pneumonia. He was placed in a medically induced coma and was given no chance to survive his illness. His sister made a phone call to Clara who rushed to see him as she had promised. 

Zach reveals what happened on the day he almost died and how it changed him as a man. He believes he did actually die and was brought back to life with the help of Clara. 

His story has been captured by an A&E by a producer who heard about his experience and was very intrigued. Although it has yet to air, his story continues to touch others.

Houston IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) at the Texas Medical Center serves as a safe space to support those who have had a near-death experience as they integrate their experience into their lives. Houston IANDS also serves to inform the public about NDEs and the lessons and messages that experiencers bring back, and to educate the medical community to recognize and appropriately treat people who have had an NDE.