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Wisdom on Aging from an NDE Elder: A Conversation with Pam Kircher, MD

Wisdom on Aging from an NDE Elder

Perspectives from life, death, and hospice care

A conversation with Dr. Pam Kircher, MD

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Hosted on Zoom by the Institute for Spirituality and Health
Free of Charge | Donations Appreciated




Dr. Pam Kircher, MD

Pam Kircher had an NDE at age 6, during an episode of meningitis in 1950. Since then, she has spent the past 71 years exploring a wide range of fields in medicine and spirituality.  Along the way, she has been a family practice doctor, a hospice physician, a speaker on behalf of NDEs and hospice, and author of Love is the Link: A Hospice Doctor Shares her Experience of Near-Death and Dying. Dr. Kircher helped to establish a Healing Therapy program for in-patients at Mercy Hospital in Durango, CO and assisted in bringing Tai Chi for Health to many communities (including the Navajo nation) as a Master Trainer of instructors. As with many NDErs, her experience instilled values that have shaped her life path. With her lack of interest in material success and her interest in learning new topics, she has had no qualms allowing her interests to pull her into new fields. An interest in being of service to others brought her to do mission work in Guatemala and Fiji, and to facilitate Conscious Aging circles for elders in her community. Her interest in spirituality led her to meditations of all sorts, including Qigong and Tai Chi, labyrinths, shamanic journeys, medicine wheels and sound healing.

Dr. Kircher spent 25 years in Houston, during which time she graduated from Baylor Medical School, completed Family Practice Residency at UT Houston, worked at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center, and raised her three children.  

Her love of nature drew her to leave the city to live in southwest Colorado. She and Mark, her husband of over 45 years, have lived at One-in-the-Spirit, their ranch in Pagosa Springs, Colorado for over 12 years now, since his retirement from orthopedic surgery. She has spent most of the past five years in retreat at the ranch immersing herself in nature, stillness, spiritual reading, meditation, and creating a soul memoir. This time of covid has certainly supported that endeavor!

Houston IANDS (International Association for Near-Death Studies) at the Texas Medical Center serves as a safe space to support those who have had a near-death experience as they integrate their experience into their lives. Houston IANDS also serves to inform the public about NDEs and the lessons and messages that experiencers bring back, and to educate the medical community to recognize and appropriately treat people who have had an NDE.