Transformation Through the Elements:
Moving Through Pain & Regret to Acceptance & Peace
Fire. Air. Earth. Water. | A 4-Week Experience
Thursdays, March 11, 18, 25, & April 1 | 6-7pm
A guided storytelling meditation and alchemy crystal bowl sound healing experience curated by Dr. Jeremiah Pearcey and Rev. Gena Davis
$20 single session | $60 4-week experience
In this 4-week series, you will be guided through a meditative journey aligned with the four elements of fire, air, earth and water to support transformation through painful physical, emotional and mental challenges and life choice regrets to a place of acceptance and peace.
Each session will offer an experience of guided meditation and storytelling led by Jeremiah Pearcey and the vibrational healing sounds of 99.992% quartz alchemy crystal bowls played by Gena Davis.
The sessions will take place via a live Zoom event. You will receive the Zoom link a few days before & on the day of the event.
Dr. Jeremiah Pearcey
Jeremiah is a Doctor of Psychology, a military veteran, and an intuitive storyteller. He leverages 20 years of diverse experiences with people of various ethnicities, cultures, religions, and ages to create stories that captivate and submerse listeners. He employs his expertise in his personal business, Stress Management Initiatives LLC, to help people reduce stress, understand their mind-body connection(s), and improve their livelihood.
Rev. Gena Davis
The Reverend Gena Davis is a certified yoga teacher, advanced Amrit Yoga Nidra facilitator, advanced alchemy crystal bowl sound healer, meditation leader, spiritual director and Episcopal priest. Gena is a faculty member of the Institute for Spirituality and Health, blending her spiritual mentoring with various energy and sound healing modalities to help others find wholeness and healing and to discover their true essence. Gena is the founder of YogaMass, an integrative approach of blending mind/body/spirit into worship and co-founder of Crystal Bowl Gallery. Connect with Gena at and